Stevia History

Ancient History:

Though Stevia has come into prominence since the last 3 or 4 decades, it has a long and ancient history. It was extensively used and consumed by the people of Gurani Tribe of Paraguay. Stevia was used as a sweetener and in medicinal potions even before 1500s. Known as ka'a he'ê (or sweet herb), stevia was primarily used in and as tea in beverages and also in making cardiac stimulant tonics. Ancient history tells us that natives used this sweet plant for the following:.
  • Softening skin
  • Aiding digestion
  • Nourishing the pancreas
  • Balancing blood sugar
  • Smoothing wrinkles
  • Healing blemishes, sores and wounds

Modern History:

In the year 1887, botanist Moises Santiago Bertoni discovered Stevia and researched on its efficacy as a sweetener and a medicinal shrub. In the year 1931, two French chemists isolated the glycosides and the two main ones were named Stevioside and Rebaudioside which are 250 and 300 times sweeter than sugar respectively. In late 1950s, Japan started domestic cultivation and in 1970s it started commercial use of stevia sweeteners.

In 1985 stevia was wrongly (intentionally) reported and declared to be carcinogenic, which means it could cause cancer. However, it was later found and criticized that the data was mishandled in such a way that it could prove even distilled water to be carcinogenic. Over the following years, several more studies showed converse results. In diabetes front studies have shown stevia having re-vitalizing effect on the B-cells of pancreas. This possibly promotes additional insulin production.

In 2006 WHO thoroughly evaluated studies on Stevia through series of experiments conducted on animals and humans. It was finally concluded by WHO that Steviol Glycosides are NOT CARCINOGENIC.

In December 2008 USFDA gave "No Objection" to use of Stevia and granted GRAS approval to it.

Stevia was approved as a food additive by the EU on November 11, 2011.

These are some of the benefits of using As-Sweet Natural Organic Sweetener instead of sugar or artificial sweeteners that contain Aspartame or Sucralose.
  • Low Calories (Zero Calories in As-Sweet Liquid Stevia)
  • 300 times sweeter than sugar
  • Natural ingredients
  • Made from Organic Stevia
  • 1 gram Sachet = 1 Teaspoon of Sugar
  • Tooth friendly